Free cover letter and resume samples

Electrical Engineering Resume Review
RESUME REVIEW Appearance & Classification First of all you can state your name/surname and contact information by using a little bigger font and centering the text instead of using tables. You should pay attention to text alignment and the margins. You should avoid using letter effects and tables, which strain
Electrical Engineer CV
RESUME REVIEW Appearance & Classification Make the font size smaller of your contact information . The background style you use on each page should be equal. You can use two close tones for the background. If you move the information under the titles to a bit left, you can use
Electrical and Electronics Engineering CV
RESUME REVIEW Appearance & Classification You should pay attention to text alignment and the margins. Leave equal spaces between the titles and the text. After writing your name & surname, write your contact information and keep them together. Be careful about the spaces between the paragraphs and lines are the
Electrical and Electronics Engineer Cv
RESUME REVIEW Appearance & Classification Move your photo a bit higher. You don’t need to write “resume” at the beginning. Move your name a bit lower and write your name and e-mail address below it. Functional You have written “summary” twice. Compile these. Change the “skills” title as  “personal skills”
Electrical and Electronics Engineer Cover Letter
COVER LETTER REVIEW This cover letter is prepared outstandingly. There is nothing to criticize and correct. Good Luck. Grammar There are no grammatical mistakes in your cover letter. We cannot be sure that we identify all the points that can better your CV, however if you benefit from this free service of
Data Entry Officer Resume Review
RESUME REVIEW Appearance & Classification At a quick glance it can easily be seen that you need to improve the appearance of your resume. You should avoid using letter effects and tables, which strain eyes a bit. You can make it thinner or even fully remove; The font sizes you
Europass Cv Sample for Human Resources Department
CV REVIEW Appearance & Classification Your cv is very enough. You have prefered to use the Europass cv template. Because of it; there is nothing to say about the appearance of your cv. You should pay attention to text alignment and the margins. Be careful about the parts, the rest
Customer Support Engineer Cv
RESUME REVIEW Appearance & Classification Be careful about the places of tables, the rest of a table shouldn’t be on the other page. There is no problem in using different font styles but they should be suitable to each other. Place the photo to the right and write your name
Customer Services CV
RESUME REVIEW Appearance & Classification You should pay attention to text alignment and the margins. Leave equal spaces between the titles and the text. Make the titles bold or emphasize them in another way but visually make sure that they are eligible and standing out. After writing your name &
Cover Letter Sample for Human Resources Department
Cover Letter Review You don’t need to write “cover letter” You can carry the part  that you wrote right side to left side. Write the date right side. There is nothing to say about the content of your cover letter. It seems pretty clear and enough. Original Cover Letter Name: